
Celebridades saludan a la hija de Katy Perry y Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry anunció el nacimiento de su hija Daisy Dove Bloom este jueves y sus colegas le dieron la bienvenida en las redes sociales.

«Estamos flotando con amor y asombro por la llegada sana y salva de nuestra hija», anunció la cantante y prometida del actor Orlando Bloom a UNICEF, en una conmovedora publicación de Instagram que revela la pequeña mano de la bebé entre las de su madre.

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Posted @withregram • @unicef Welcome to the world, Daisy Dove Bloom! We are honoured to introduce Goodwill Ambassadors @KatyPerry and @OrlandoBloom’s new bundle of joy.⠀ ⠀ “We are floating with love and wonder from the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter,” Katy and Orlando told us.⠀ ⠀ “But we know we’re the lucky ones and not everyone can have a birthing experience as peaceful as ours was. Communities around the world are still experiencing a shortage of healthcare workers and every eleven seconds a pregnant woman or newborn dies, mostly from preventable causes. Since COVID-19 many more newborn lives are at risk because of the increased lack of access to water, soap, vaccines and medicines that prevent diseases. As parents to a newborn, this breaks our hearts, as we empathize with struggling parents now more than ever.⠀ ⠀ “As UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, we know UNICEF is there, on the ground, doing whatever it takes to make sure every expecting mother has access to a trained health worker and access to quality healthcare. In celebration of the heart we know our daughter already has, we have set up a donation page to celebrate DDB’s arrival. By supporting them, you are supporting a safe start to life and reimagining a healthier world for every child. We hope your ♥️ can bloom with generosity.⠀ ⠀ Gratefully-⠀ ⠀ Katy & Orlando.”⠀ ⠀ Please tap the link in our bio to support the most precious gift: a healthy child.

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«Felicitaciones, @katyperry y @ orlandobloom, y gracias por hablar a favor de la salud materna. Deseando a ti y a tu nueva familia toda la alegría del mundo», comentó Hillary Clinton.

La ex esposa de Bloom, Miranda Kerr, con quien tuvo a su hijo Flynn, también reaccionó a la noticia y escribió: «Estoy tan feliz por ustedes. No puedo esperar para conocerla».

