Artistas expresan su dolor por la partida del guitarrista Jeff Beck, fallecido ayer miércoles, a los 78 años de edad.
El virtuoso músico británico de rock y blues falleció a raíz de una meningitis, según informaron en la tarde del día 11 de enero.
El mismo fue uno de los tres notables guitarristas que tocaron en The Yardbirds, siendo Eric Clapton y Jimmy Page los otros dos.
últimamente se encontraba compartiendo escenario con el músico y actor Johnny Depp, con quien lanzó su último álbum llamado ’18’ en 2022.
Desde que se conoció la triste noticia de la partida de Jeff Beck, numerosos artistas se han pronunciado a través de sus redes sociales.
🙏Now Jeff has gone, I feel like one of my band of brothers has left this world, and I’m going to dearly miss him. I’m sending much sympathy to Sandra, his family, and all who loved him. I want to thank him for all our early days together in Jeff Beck Group, conquering America. pic.twitter.com/UareDAdtZ9
— Ronnie Wood (@ronniewood) January 11, 2023
I’m so sad to hear about Jeff Beck passing. Jeff was a genius guitar player, and me and my band got to see it close up when we toured with him in 2013. One of the highlights we did was “Danny Boy” – we both loved that song. Love & Mercy to Jeff’s family. pic.twitter.com/eZFHpHgiKt
— Brian Wilson (@BrianWilsonLive) January 11, 2023
Heartbreaking news to report the late, great Jeff Back has sadly passed. No one played guitar like Jeff. Please get ahold of the first two Jeff Beck Group albums and behold greatness. RIP. pic.twitter.com/3qnPOCyhUj
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) January 11, 2023
I am devastated to hear the news of the death of my friend and hero Jeff Beck, whose music has thrilled and inspired me and countless others for so many years.
Polly‘s and my thoughts go out to his lovely wife Sandra.
He will be forever in our hearts. pic.twitter.com/369rHU7BCX— David Gilmour (@davidgilmour) January 11, 2023
RIP Jeff Beck. A pioneer and one of the all time greats. #jeffbeck pic.twitter.com/h7bTL3ZaxA
— Johnny Marr (@Johnny_Marr) January 11, 2023